Thursday, July 27, 2023

Puli Raju - the Man behind the Farmers

 Puli Raju - the Man behind the Farmers

Puli Raju, government school teacher in the Siddipet district of Andhra Pradesh is a well known name for the farmers of Telangana, atleast not less than an angel. Raju, for more than two decades, is not only documenting the death of farmers by collecting their death certificates who were victims of suicidal death but also providing legal help and psychological counselling to their families. 

The family background

Puli Raju  himself belongs to a farming family that have 15 acres of land however he witnessed his family and family members struggling against changing crop patterns, water crisis, climate change and not getting the minimum support price for crops. His grandfather compelled his father for higher studies and to take a job. His father was unable to do so however Raju completed his Masters in Economics and became a government teacher. Her wife is also a government teacher. Whenever he finds time he visits his village in vacations and works with his siblings in fields.

The start of a mission

In year 2020, Raju decided to take a solid step to help the families of victim farmers when he read one report on farmers suicide in a newspaper . The article was written by his journalist friend only. He started meeting their families personally and prepared a list of about 1800 farmers with proper documentation like FIR, proof of Identity and death certificate. He then started filing compensation for them in High Court and was able to provide compensation to majority of them. Raju says that in 98% cases the court declines the compensation request and they are left hopeless and all alone due to lack of proper evidence and identity. The compensation was given to the owner only and not the family members. The major issue was documents like death certificate which proved that he was a farmer and undergone suicidal death. He is providing help to such farmer's families through private companies, corporates and personal help. Due to his consistent efforts a private company has under took the task of educating 40 such children.


Raju found that nearly 27064 farmers committed suicide in Telangana alone between 1995 to 2014 in his investigation but when he filed RTI only 7000 farmers have got compensation. Moreover from 1999 to 2012 nearly 1474 farmers committed suicide as per records of National Crime Record Bureau but as per Raju this figure can be around 3000 as many deaths go unregistered due to lack of awareness. So far in his journey of 21 years, Raju has met family members of around 500 families of such suicidal cases by visiting door to door. 
He found that mostly those farmers committed suicide who were having debt between 3 lakhs to 6 lakhs rupees which was a considerably larger amount for them. Also 90% of these farmers were small or marginal formers not having their own land or having land less than 5 acres that's why they were entitled to get loans as small as 30000 rupees only from banks. They were then the victims of so called money lenders of their area.
The problem actually started from here. After the death of the head of the family ,the whole burden of upbringing of children was transferred to their wives or elders of family. Moreover they were also harassed by money lenders for money. The children also suffered as they dropped out from school and worked in field.

The Root cause of Problem

Recalling his childhood days, Raju says that they were using cow dung and droppings of goat ,sheep and pig to be used as manure but the picture changed when fertilizers came into existence. Gradually they depleted the land's natural fertility by replacing organic manures and left them barren with time. Moreover the price of fertilizers raised from 2 kg per acre to 6 to 7 kg per acre. 
Previously families used to store and reuse their own seeds for cultivation but this practice was declined as private companies came into picture which insisted farmers to buy poor quality seeds from them with the assurance of good yield. Most importantly Telangana is situated on the southern plateau where there is too much of water scarcity. Most of the bore wells have been dried with very less water supply facilities for the farmers. So the cost raised gradually however productivity went down . This was the major cause of farmers committing suicide. 


Raju has been awarded with Raithunesthm Foundation award in 2019 for his extraordinary service in the field of social work done for farmers. Puli Raju is not only providing psychological and financial support to them but also guiding the farmers towards alternating farming practices. He has helped around 2500 farmer families of Telangana so far. Hats off to the man with such an altruistic attitude cultivating hope and smiles in lives of people.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

An Innovative Waste Management Startup - Swaaha

An Innovative Waste Management Startup - Swaaha

In year 2016, when Jwalant Shah and Rohit Agarwal laid the foundation of "Swaaha" , a Resource Management company and an innovative startup in the field of waste management, they themselves were not aware of the progress of this startup which has now become one of the leading startups of the country in the field of solid waste management. Later on in 2017 ,Sameer Sharma also joined the team as a mentor. Swaaha has developed a unique technique of waste management in which they are able to convert waste into compost at the site only and primary transportation of waste material is not needed for its processing. Recently Swaaha is in news as  it is leading Amarnath Yatra in association with Jammu and Kashmir Government to make it completely eco friendly. 

The Origin

Rohit Agarwal and Jwalant Shah  have completed their mechanical engineering  from IIT Indore. These former alumni of IIT Indore thought of initiating a startup on solid waste management and sustainability in year 2016 which was one of it's kind idea in the country at that time. It gains it's name from initials Swacch (clean) and Hara (green). The startup has been incubated from IIT Indore and startup India. Swaaha was initially started with a capital of rupees 50000 only and now it has a valuation of 75 crores. The municipal corporation Indore has also given special support and appreciation to this innovative startup.

The Technology Behind

Rohit and Jwalant along with their teacher Sameer Sharma have developed a unique technique of solid waste management in which the waste is processed at the same site from which it is collected and then it is carried to composting site of Swaaha after 10 to 12 days. They have developed a mobile van for waste processing when for this purpose also. One such mobile organic waste processing unit named "Havankund" is also launched at IIT Indore campus. This mobile van has a capacity to process 400 kg of waste in 1 hour and it has been specially designed to modify complete wet waste into compost. They have also presented a complete plan for making IIT Indore a total zero waste campus.


Swaaha started it's journey by processing solid waste of shops located in Chappan Dukan area of Indore. Initially they charged 70 paisa to 2.5 rupees for composting per kg of solid waste. Initially there was only one mobile van however they are now serving 7 big hotels ,4 education centres and 15 townships in Indore with 4 mobile vans. Due to their innovative approach in the field of waste management, sustainable practices, ethical business practices and social impact by waste management an American company has invited Swaaha to demonstrate their solid waste management model and has signed an MOU with them whose pilot project has been already started. They have also been awarded as best smart city project in 2020.

From Indore to Amarnath

With a team of more than 350 volunteers and Safai Mitras, Swaaha is going to prevent waste from polluting the Himalayan region by making Amarnath Yatra completely eco friendly. 200 Kashmiri youth are also a part of this noble initiative. In Association with Indore city social media group, this innovative enterprise has started a unique Langar in Amarnath Yatra which will be totally powered by solar energy and biogas. Moreover a complete plan for composting food and solid waste during Amarnath Yatra is also proposed. For this purpose they have 13 campsites throughout the Yatra up to cave. 

An Exciting Innovation

Swaaha has yet another gem in their achievements as they have developed a machine that works without electricity at higher altitudes which can be carried to the mountains with the help of mules and horses. This wonderful machine for waste management needs very less maintenance and can be assembled quickly. To ensure proper waste management, Swaaha has also developed a software that provides real time data of any litter or waste throughout the journey with the help of a web app.
This innovative journey is a remarkable example of out of box thinking, innovative approach and right attitude towards solving a problem infront of today's youth. A great applause to them!

Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Iceman of India - Chewang Norphel

 The Iceman of India - Chewang Norphel

Popularly known as Ice man of India, Chewang Norphel is well known for designing artificial glaciers in the arid regions of Ladakh to provide a permanent solution of water shortage among farmers of Ladakh region. Chewang is just another name for a man with steely intentions! Unlike most middle class people, Chewang Norphel was not interested to just make a living out of his job, but wanted to be a part of solution of a crucial problem affecting his local community. 

The Biography

Chewang Norphel was born in a middle class family in Ladakh. After completing his studies, he got his first posting as a civil engineer in rural department of Jammu and Kashmir in Ladakh. This was a turning point in his life as he himself was unaware of what life was going to offer to him.

His first visit to Ladakh

Ladakh is also called the frozen desert of India with a large arid patch of land,  freezing temperatures and scanty rainfall round the year. In spite of this, the land is very rich in cultural diversity. The only source of water for local people are frozen glaciers at high altitude that melt in summers and flow down to provide seasonal water supply to the villagers. About 80% of residents of Ladakh are farmers by profession and much dependent on this seasonal water supply for crop cultivation. 
The most appropriate season for crop cultivation in Ladakh is spring and summer which is around April to June however glaciers are still frozen and that time. They start melting completely in the month of June however the farmers need this water in the month of April which is the starting time of sowing seeds.

The seeding of an idea

Chewang after observing this problem, started reflecting over it to find a solution. The major concern was to get a perennial water supply in spring season for the farmers. It was practically impossible to pump the water from the rivers flowing down to the hilly terrains up, when there was potential power shortage in that region. Here sparked a life changing idea! 
It is a common practice in Ladakh to keep the water taps a little open in winter to avoid bursting of pipes near freezing points. Chewang once observed a strange phenomena in his house that the water coming out from the tap was forming a sheet of ice when flown over the soil below the trees however at other places it was flowing quite freely. His engineer mind immediately tickled that the water started freezing once it was slowed down by the soil under the shade of trees.

The Rise of a Solution

Chewang realized that the water wasting from melting glaciers and flowing down to the rivers in the month of June can be utilized for farming if stored at low altitudes in canals, catchment areas and reservoirs by constructing artificial glaciers! What a genius idea! This can provide the farmers- the much needed supply of water in the month of April which is the beginning stage of crop cycle.
After a lot of trials, he finally created his first Artificial Glacier at a height of 13000 feet as the water starts melting at lower altitudes in the month of April which can provide much needed water supply to the farmers. 

Execution of the idea

Chewang implemented his ingenious idea by channelizing streams of water melting from higher altitudes towards natural catchment areas and reservoirs at lower altitudes by passing it through shadowy areas of mountains. The water was further slowed down by constructing artificial walls and placing narrow iron pipes in its path of flow to dissipate the heat of flowing water naturally and speedily. The final result was an amazing artificial glacier at the other side. This water was further channelized in the field to the farmers through multiple streams in the villages below.

A Wave of positivity in Agriculture

Initially when Chewang pitched this idea, he was mocked and termed as crazy. He built his first artificial glacier at a nominal cost of rupees 90000 only. So far Chewang has created 17 artificial glaciers throughout Ladakh benefiting thousands of farmers by the proper supply of water for crop cultivation. This change has been witnessed in the form of increased agricultural production ,boosting of average income of farmers of the region and decrease in migration of local people in cities in the search of green pastures.

Awarding Padma Shri

In the Year 2015, Chewang was awarded 'Padma Shri', one of the highest civilian awards in India, for his noble efforts to bring about a major change in the lives of the people of Ladakh. Chewang Norphel is a live example of a changemaker who revolutionized the lives of common man by his firm determination ,self confidence and never ending motivation.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Deepthi Nathala - the innovator behind Hecoll fabric

 Deepthi Nathala - the innovator behind Hecoll fabric

Is it possible that a single cloth can block 99% UV rays, inhibit viruses and bacteria and can filter 99% particulate matter contained in pollution? Yes ,it is possible and that also in a single innovation ! The innovation has been done by Deepti Nathala, an alumni of IIT Madras and an entrepreneur of Hyderabad based startup called Hecoll means "healthy Cover for All. " 

The birth of Hecoll

When this former IITian returned to her hometown in Hyderabad  in 2018, after working for a decade in about 23 countries she noticed that her body was unable to adjust with the environment of India. She was often suffering from mild headaches and skin irritations while driving in the city. With a little research, she was able to discover that the scarves and dupattas used by women during travelling were incapable of fighting with the pollution and she realized an urgent need for a fabric which can protect people from excess dust ,pollution and germs. She started working on such fabric.

Applying Nanotechnology 

Deepthi started testing fabrics available in the market. She also found during these tests that N 95 masks, sunscreen and hand sanitizers were generating a lot of plastic waste in the environment including biomedical Waste. After extensive research of many months, she was able to come up with a fabric called Hecoll. She took eco friendly cotton at its base with a blend of 'bodyguard molecules' in the cavities between cotton molecules so that it can filter particulate matter and kill viruses and bacteria coming in contact from the environment.
The experienced nanotechnologist filled the cavities in the fabric by 'bodyguard molecules' which can have three forms
1. Non polar molecules having germ killing abilities and UV Ray absorption capacity extracted from plant based products like neem and turmeric. 
2. Molecules pulled out from metal components like nano Copper and nano silver. 
3. Even certain chemical compositions clubbed with nanotechnology can be used for filling the cavities. 

Start of Production

After failing in her research for 80 times, she finally come up with the launching of Dibbu Solutions in 2019. She was ultimately able to design a fabric capable of fighting H1N1 virus, E coli bacteria and filtering Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide gases. It can also block 95% air pollutants and 99% UV rays. 
She first sold out her product in the local market however the Biotechnology department of Central Government told her to make masks of this fabric during pandemic. Gradually she got orders from Indian Railways, United Nations ,Tourism and mining department of government. DRDO has instructed Deepthi to fabricate clothes for those soldiers who are posted at high altitudes like Kargil and are prone to skin diseases due to UV rays.


She has got certifications from agencies like Bombay Textile Research Association (BRTA),National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL),Nelson labs and Bureau Veritas and South India textile Research Association(SITRA). " Our products can last up to 6000 washes. The other products available so far in the world can survive up to 60 to 100 washes only. "she says.

The company profile

Deepthi, at present is fabricating anti-virus face masks, baby wraps for newborn babies, bed sheets, fanny bags, hats, caps and items for preventing hospital infections like doctor coats, surgical gowns etc. Her products are available on Amazon and Flipkart also. She also showcased her work in various state government expos and tried pitching in Dubai Expo also. 
Deepthi is dedicated to employ housewives, transgenders and home maids in her company. This decision came out due to discrimination seen for them while working in various companies in her career. At present she own a staff of about 140 employees across 3 states. She is  presently incubated by Telangana government but also looking for venture capitalists for funding. 

Challenges in life

Deepthi has been facing challenges in her life right from childhood when she lost her mother at the tender age of 8 years. Apart from this, when she launched her enterprise, a lot of criticism was faced   from her relatives and society in the form of unsolicited comments as she being a lady, was trying to set up her business. She got no financial help from anybody. She also patented her product at her own expense.
Whatever may be the challenges, innovator like Deepthi is a remarkable example for all those striving in life with no or little hope.

A Solar Powered village who won 5 national Awards

A Solar Powered village who won 5 National Awards  Situated amidst lush green trees and mountains, is a village named Mukhra K in Telangana ...